Программа Au-Pair 
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Leaps в Норвегии
Work & Travel USA Summer 2007
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тел: (044) 501 1267

Leaps в Норвегии

Описание программы

Программа LEAPS (Language Education By Au Pair Stay) даёт возможность молодым специалистам продолжить своё образование и остаться в легально жить и работать в Норвегии – стране, которая в рейтинге ООН занимает первое место в мире по уровню жизни населения

LEAPS была основана на базе программы Au-Pair с целью привлечения в Норвегию высококвалифицированных специалистов, свободно владеющих как минимум 3 языками: русским, английским и норвежским.

Спонсором программы является наш партнёр, норвежская юридическая компания, которая сопровождает вас в течение всего времени участия в программе, вплоть до получения ПМЖ в Норвегии.

В программе LEAPS могут принимать участие девушки в возрасте от 21 до 29 лет, свободно владеющие английским языком (необходимо будет сдать тест TOEFL или IELTS) и окончившие как минимум 4 курса высшего образования на Украине.

Этапы программы
1. Первый год вы живёте в принимающей семье как Au-Pair, помогаете в уходе за детьми и лёгкой работе по дому, получаете взамен бесплатное проживание и питание, а также 370 евро карманных денег ежемесячно. Принимающая семья в первую очередь заинтересована в вашей помощи, а ваша цель - хорошо выучить норвежский язык. На протяжении этого этапа программы вы обязательно должны посещать курсы норвежского, а также различные клубы согласно вашим интересам, где вы также сможете улучшать свои знания языка страны. При желании, первый этап программы можно продлить ещё на один год.

2. После сдачи экзамена норвежского языка - спонсор программы, проводит оценку вашего диплома и, при необходимости, предлагает пройти несколько курсов обучения в норвежском ВУЗе. Практически все университеты Норвегии предлагают бесплатное высшее образование как для граждан страны, так и для иностранцев. Если вы выберете обучение на платном факультете (к примеру, для получения экономической или юридической специальности), то спонсор программы может предоставить вам беспроцентный кредит, возвращать который Вы будете только после трудоустройства. Во время обучения вы можете продолжать жить в своей принимающей семье и немного помогать им, продолжая бесплатно жить и питаться. Этот этап называется Mini Au Pair. На этом этапе вы также получаете право подрабатывать на выходных и каникулах.

3. Когда ваше высшее образование и знания языка находятся на достаточном уровне, Вы можете остаться жить и работать в Норвегии.

Как начать участие в программах Агентства Au-Pair?

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Задать вопросы сотрудникам Агентства Au-Pair легче всего в разделе Контакт с нами либо же по e-mail info@study.com.ua

Телефон Агентства Au-Pair в Киеве - (044) 501-12-67 (многоканальный)

Если у Вас есть важный вопрос о программе Au-Pair и Вы не хотите тратить денег на междугородний звонок - позвоните на номер +38(067)440-04-63 и мы перезвоним Вам.

Здесь Вы можете почитать письма наших Au-Pair из Германии и США.

Также возможно задать свои вопросы на Форуме Агентства Au-Pair.

Подробно о программе LEAPS на английском языке


Basic application condition: Good spoken English - at the English TOEFL-test level. Minimum 20, maximum 29 years old. Females only. Minimum 4 years of higher education.
1-1) Education economy: THE LEAPS PROGRAM (Language Education by Au Pair Stays) may give you a complete education without having any loan to pay off when your education is completed. This is a combination of mini au pair with free housing and meals, scholarships, working in weekend and holidays. Then your are in the best possible economical condition than after an ordinary education's financing.
1-2) Your personal safety: As an important part of the LEAPS program, you stay with a host family as ordinary au pair or mini au pair during your study time and even when you have started in an ordinary job. The host family's residence and the host family members looking after you, give you the best safety. Some families have a small flat in their home, and they may even invite couple au pair on special conditions.


2-1) You have the possibility of professional job recruitment in Norway, when you hold higher level international accepted certificate of English as foreign language (TOEFL, ILTS) and Norwegian as foreign language certificate (which can be obtained during one or two years of studying Norwegian as Au-Pair).


3-1) Professional education is based upon that you have completed successfully an au pair stay according to you au pair agreement. All studies starts every year in August/September only. You may register as student before you have passed the higher level certificate exam, but you are not accepted to start your studies before you have proved that you hold the required language certificate(s). Our line of financing is a combination of 'Mini Au Pair Stay' (with free housing and meals), scholarships and your paid weekend/holiday work.
3-2) Scholarship rules vary from country to country, and we have no survey. In Norway all foreign students get Norwegian state scholarship, if they have been registered staying in the country for minimum one year just ahead of the study starts - and the study goes on without longer time interruptions.
3-3) Weekend/holiday work: the students are allowed to have paid jobs - more and less - as a part of their student residence permit. In Norway the students are allowed to work from Friday 5 PM to Monday 8 am every weekend, and on holidays. Some students deliver newspapers early in the morning instead. Some economical studies go hand in hand with well paid 'on the job training' in companies.
3-4) All this gives THE LEAPS PROGRAM your valuable education financing, that gives you a far better economy after your professional education than ordinary education.
3-5) The professional subjects to study are not limited, but you must have in mind that you should have the best flexible possibilities for good and interesting jobs, when you choose your education. You may ask us for an advice. We suggest any variation of economy and/or computer knowledge on University level. It might be quite clever of you to choose an education, which is demanded for a job. We suggest that you considder one of the special education you may get in Norway, like oil and gas distribution, underwater map drawing, mercantile vessel officer, fish farming, production, quality and distribution. Norway is the leading nation on these fields, and diploma exams from these educations are demanded all over the world.


4-1) Loyalty and stability - The Support Agreement: When you are accepted LEAPS student, we ask you to sign the support agreement. When you follow the agreed line during your LEAPS years, we can confirm to the employer where you ask for a job, that you have been stable and loyal and acted according to the agreement. If you do not act according to the agreement lines - you have broken the rules and you have ended the agreement, and we will not renew the agreement.
4-2) Multi cultural experience is most valuable to any employer working in international relations. Out of the stays in the countries as LEAPS student, you know very much about the different people, way of life and way of thinking. This helps your employer to act correctly in different important situations.
4-3) Professional skill is your education and any kind of work experiences.
4-3-1) LEAPS gives you this basic valuable education being secretary working with international relations: Holding two or more higher level certificates as foreign languages is most valuable (where one must be an English certificate and second - Norwegian one.) The reference from being an au pair in a family shows that you manage the difficult task to work in a small group as a family is. You have multi cultural experience.
4-3-2) LEAPS gives you the professional education from universities and academies, based upon your good basic language and multi cultural knowledge.
4-4-1) First of all you must have a valid Support Agreement for minimum of 12 months.
4-4-2) For some jobs/proficiencies you must hold the national authorization diploma (dentist, medical doctor, pharmacist, veterinarian).
4-4-3) When you are qualified, we ask you to make a presentation out of the listed details - a CV - (similar to what is needed for first time LEAPS-student application.) We may videotape an interview.
4-4-4) Out of your presentation, we make a short presentation which we put on our presentation list.
4-4-5) In Norway: If you are educated inside these proficiencies you are most welcome to work: Nurse, medical doctor* (authorized in your home country), dentist*, veterinarian*, pharmacist*, physiotherapist (in the country side), psychologist*, secondary school teacher/academy teacher of mathematics and physics. All proficiencies need good English level and higher Norwegian certificate. *marked professions need TOEFL-test and Norwegian professional upgrading course.

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